Last week on The Slut Show I talked with transman Deen. We spoke about sex, gender, body-disphoria, love, burning dicks, transitioning and what it’s like to feel like you are born in the body of another gender than you identify with. Today I am back with my lesbian friend Sophie, asking her all the questions you might not normally dare to ask. So let’s talk pussy shall we?

Slutty Science
Ellen DeGeneres has been the subject of many conversations lately due to allegations of a toxic work environment. Whatever your opinion about her is, one thing is certain: what my name buddy Ellen did for the LGBTQ+ community had a huge and irreversible impact on the representation of LGBTQ+ folks.
The 1994–98 ABC sitcom ‘Ellen’ was one of the first series in the United States to have a main character come out as gay. This episode, called "The Puppy Episode" aired 1997 shortly after DeGeneres publicly revealed that she is a lesbian in real life too. This event received a great deal of media exposure, ignited controversy and even prompted ABC to place a parental advisory at the beginning of each episode.
Ellen paved a way for many lesbians in a time when there was hardly any media representation of the LGBTQ+ community.
Today same-sex marriage has been legalized in 28 countries and even though that sounds like a lot, in comparison to the total amount of 195 countries in the world right now - these 28 countries only add up to a paltry 14.4% of countries around the globe.
Civil unions are recognized in many Western democracies. Yet same-sex marriage remains banned in many countries, and the expansion of broader LGBTQ+ rights has been uneven globally.
Discussing non-heterosexual desires often remains off limits in todays socially constructed heteronotmative society. Yet porn and sexual online communities have stimulated awareness and recognition. The internet provides a space where women can explore porn, normally viewed as a male domain. And this they can do anonymously and without stigma.
Why women are so scared of being lesbian might seem obvious looking at the long list of downsides. Research however shows that lesbians orgasm in 86% of sexual encounters, where heterosexual women only orgasm in 65% of sexual encounters. This huge difference remains hard to explain, but Sophie and myself are giving it our best try anyways in this episode of The Slut Show.
Are you interested in hearing more yet? You can now watch the full episode of The Slut Show on YouTube or listen to it on Spotify - Now also on Apple Podcast & Google Podcast! Either way make sure to subscribe and turn on the notification bell, to get notified of new uploads.
Want to send in questions for our mail-segment? Want to be on the show yourself or do you have suggestions for subjects to talk about? Don’t hesitate and hit me up on my personal Instagram @byellenmoore or @TheSlutShowWithEllenMoore for your daily dose of Slut Show Snippets!
I hope to see you on my socials until next week and for now: Sluts Out!
Lots of love,
Meehan, C. (2020, June 4). ‘Lesbian porn. Anything girl on girl’: young women’s understandings of their engagement with lesbian porn. Retrieved November 7, 2020, from
Reid, G. (2013, July 31). Same-Sex Marriage: Global Comparisons. Retrieved November 7, 2020, from